NIQ Beauty Inner Circle trends and insights

Discover the essence of NIQ’s beauty market research, uniting cutting-edge consumer and market intelligence, industry revelations, and expert counsel to unveil the future of the beauty industry.

Uncover game changing insights from NIQ’s beauty market research. Become an all-access member to access cutting-edge consumer and market intelligence, industry revelations, and expert counsel that unveils the future of the beauty industry.

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Join NIQ Beauty Inner Circle

Decipher beauty market trends, foresee groundbreaking innovations, and interpret the forthcoming shifts in consumer preferences as a member of NIQ Beauty Inner Circle. Get unlimited access to reports, invitations to exclusive industry events, and access an online community where the best beauty brands discuss the industry.

man with trendy makeup on

Our analysis covers a wide range of topics, to keep you up to date on the latest trends in the dynamic beauty industry

Business planning

With these reports, we unveil the latest Beauty trends — across online and in store channels, and mass, luxury, and direct to consumer brands. Trends are updated quarterly so you always stay in the know — and ahead of your competition.

Diverse consumers

The beauty consumer is far from one size fits all. Learn about what diverse consumer groups are looking for and how to target them so you can nail your brand and marketing strategy.

Join NIQ Beauty Inner Circle

Gain access to our full library of beauty reports, webinars, and expert commentary.

You’ll get 80+ reports, as well as access to 2 – 3 new reports released every month.

Clean & sustainable

Consumers are demanding clean, green, and sustainable product options. Use these reports to learn ways to tap into the impressive growth of the clean beauty movement.  

Retail trends

As technology develops, consumer shopping behaviors are evolving. In this series of reports, learn about the impact of omni shopping, digital tools, inflation, and other macro beauty industry trends.

Category overviews

Dive deep into specific beauty categories, with detailed overviews to help you build your expertise and help your business grow.

Shop individual NIQ Beauty Inner Circle reports


What people are saying about NIQ Beauty Inner Circle

A trusted solution

“Amid emerging shifts in consumer habits, companies are under pressure to accelerate business growth. It’s effective and now more accessible to use data-gathering technology and insights to drive results thanks to companies like NielsenIQ.

Businesses have access to immense amounts of data, and data-collecting is only going to accelerate. Executives increasingly cite the two biggest challenges for not utilizing information in decision-making as “siloed/difficult to access,” and “teams don’t have the know-how or capacity to extract insights.”

Ashley Miles
Founder and CEO of Franklyn West

Expert category insights

“NielsenIQ has always been my go-to for expert category insights, and the introduction of NIQ Beauty Inner Circle has amplified that. The real-time data, category tracking and lifestyle insights are second to none-  invaluable resources we use to help our client’s innovation and expansion efforts.

I’ve been incredibly impressed with the community-building and networking tools as well. Highly recommend!”

Nikola Cline
Founder and President of Brandettes

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